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1.1 Background of the Study

This study is on the influence of religious programmes on Nigerian television Authority (NTA)

Enugu in regulating the moral conducts of Nigerian students using Caritas University students as

a study.

Tracing the history of the establishment of the first television transmission began in Western

Nigeria on October 31 1959.This service which was initiated by a regional government was not

only the first in Nigeria but remains the oldest in the whole of the African continent. The birth

could be termed purely accidental because it was borne out of political dissension. Chief

Obafemi Awolowo and his party men had walked out of parliament protest against a

constitutional debate at the eve of Nigeria’s independence. This action was condemned by the

ruling government over the federal all-Nigeria Radio Broad casting service but access was

denied the opposition leader to reply to the accusations. Instead of establishing a Radio station

alone to offer an unrepressed voice in national affairs the Western Region commenced

television transmission.


According to Faronbi (1979) unbelievers and critics. To many it was a diversion of the scarce

resources of the region to a prestigious project. This kind of thinking at the time was strongly

countered by the argument that television was being established to satisfy the educational

aspirations of the people of the Western Region. The daily times(1959) carried a page report of

the inauguration of the new Western Nigerian Television service in Ibadan. According to

adegbokun(1983) he holds the view that creation of state owned television stations but that

another factor stronger than statism per se was the effectiveness and importance of television

broadcasting as demonstrated by the older station. He also reports that among the station that

sprang up during the military regime were NTV Benin (now NTA Benin) Nigerian Television

Jos Nigerian Television Sokoto.

Furthermore the establishment of the Nigerian Television Authority(NTA) was the first

attempt by the Federal Government of Nigeria to have a centrally financed and co-ordinate

television industry born out of experiment in Joint broadcasting in Nigeria the authority played a

major role in further development of the industry in order to provide effective and and co-

ordinate coverage of the second all-Africa games hosted by Nigeria in 1973 all the broadcasting

agency in the country were pooled together to form the broadcasting organization of Nigeria

(BON).One advantage to the television industry and to the nation as a whole of the two bouts of

the speedy proliferation of television stations was the rapid increase in the use of the television

medium b y Nigerians. Many individuals’ establishments and homes procured television sets as a


result of the oil wealth of the last two decades. Adiche (1974) reported a survey which showed

that about 87 percent of the people surveyed viewed more than two hours of television

programmes a day in all states.

Muniru (1984) commented on the increased choice of television channels for Nigerian

viewers. He affirmed that television has spread to all areas of the country. Growth has been

phenomenal. Viewers between Western States and Lagos could select from some twelve

channels. Paradoxicallythe availability of numerous radio and television stations in Nigeria

during the 1979-1983 civilian administration should have enhanced national unity but instead it

produced widespread disharmony caused by the unprecedented misuse of these two media

facilities by the politicians and their agents. While inaugurating the committee for the

rationalization of radio and television services the then Chief of staff supreme headquarters

lamented the abuse of the radio and television media by the politicians during the civilian

regime. New Nigerian newspaper (1984) reported the chief of staff’s remarks: The exercise was

aimed at streamlining television broadcasting in the country saving cost and making the services

more efficient. He condemned the role played by the various radio and television stations during

the civilian regime. He said that the stations without exceptions became megaphones of political

parties in power suppressing or grossly distorting information to serve the whims and caprices

of politicians. By so doing Brigadier Idiagbon added they fanned the embers of disunity

disaffection and discord. They also succeeded in poisoning the political atmosphere to such an

extent that law and order virtually broke down in many states of the federation.


The aim of this study is to find out the influence of religious programmes on NTA Enugu

in regulating the moral conducts of Nigerian students. Mostly emphasis will be laid on how

religious film shown on screen affect our youths and the impacts of these films suggested

measures by which the negative programme could be curtailed presented or still avoided. This

problem has caught our attention because of the concern it generated on people. Such concern is

shown in justice Abdulahi’s article titled Television moral training on crime booster he said that

students horrible sense of high clubs which are all foreign and harmful had been conducted into

the influence of television on young people to see whether there is a relationship between TV

and violence and a child’s behavior and researcher has fire to prove this line. Resources like

Niclas Johnson and activities and a leader of a group called the national citizens committee in

broadcasting in America once explained that television has become a collage for criminals.

It has been estimated that over 80% of films on television exposes the kind of criminal

behaviour that are being demonstrated around us. The same thing is applicable to the Nigerian

television screen or foreign and are mainly from American and Britain. But on the surface

nothing seems wrong but all the actions encroaches on the minds and bears the individuals in

most cases the cultural content of most films imported into Nigeria are of little relevance to the

social appearance of the average Nigeria.

It is obvious that the students of Caritas University are exposed to television programmes

from within and outside Nigerian media content. These TV programmes include religious

political fashion etc. But our major concern is religious programme on NTA Enugu which is


likely to be a favorite programme for Caritas University Students for the purpose of moral

conduct upliftment. Since students hostels in the campus have TV sets mounted at convenient

centers the students from time to time watch television including NTA religious programmes.

1.2 Statement of the research Problem

The influence of religious programmes on NTA Enugu in regulating the moral conducts

of Nigerian students have been said to have some problems facing Nigerian students. The

possibility that youth who view religious programmes are likely not to be aggressive and violent

has been observed by educators scientists and parents over a long time.

Nigerian students have the mindset of gaining material things more than spiritual

upliftments from religious programmes. They are also faced with some kind of brain wash

through some of the religious programmes like miracles which are likely to be exaggerated.

There is an erosion of moral values on the Nigerian students whereby the monetary are of more

importance to them than the religious teachings.Therefore this study is set to find out whether

Caritas University exposure to NTA Enugu religious programmes has any impact on their moral

conduct because of some identified factors likely to uther whatever they watch on television.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The researchers objectives is to conduct an indepth research on the influence of

religious programmes on NTA Enugu in regulating the moral conducts of Nigerian students with

an insight to determine its implications on the moral values of Nigerian youths Other objectives



1. To show how contents of religious programmes on NTA Enugu affects Nigerian students.

2. To examine the TV impacts in regulating the moral conduct of Nigerian students.

3. To know how to avoid erotic languages when broadcasting religious programmes on


1.4 Research Questions

A number of questions have been raised and answers to such questions definitely shall

provide solutions to the problem.

1. To what extent does the content of religious programmes on NTA Enugu affect Nigerian


2. To what extent does the TV impact moral conduct in Nigeria Students?

3. How are erotic languages used when broadcasting religious programmes on NTA?

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is to find out how the religious programmes on NTA Enugu

influence moral conducts of Nigerian students using Caritas University as a study. The

institution is been noted for a constant influence of Religious programmes on NTA Enugu

on their moral values. In the cause of the research interviews were conducted on the

students of the institution. But the research depends more on the questionnaire which were

distributed to students and were completed and returned.


The researcher also consulted some textbooks newspapers and journals which provided

a lot of information pertaining religious programmes which should be transmitted by the

NTA network and the quantity type and contents of foreign materials.

1.6 significance of the Study

First the research study is significant to the researcher as it helps her to develop research

skills and facts on religious programmes in the society as it concerns the Nigerian students


The conduct of this research will enable the government to know what role the media can

play in the development of a country and therefore harness the mass media especially

television in the democratic process and development process in general.

The study will also help any Nigerian who goes through this work to understand

effectively their various right and responsibilities in a religious society setting.

It will also confirm whether the media is for the government alone or are actually carrying

out their functions to the society.

Finally the result of the study will serve as a reference material for furthers tudies in

management government and mass communication.

1.7 Operational definitions of Terms

1. religious programmes: They are evangelical educational programmes that are been

broadcast on NTA with the main mission to enlighten people and uplift their morals.


2. moral conducts: It relates to issues of right and wrong and how an individual should

behave. It also gives guidance on how to behave decently and honorably.

3. media: The media is operationalised as television. Broadcast used to generate or

circulate information to the public.

4. students: It is defined as people who study in various schools universities in Nigeria

without definite age range.


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    barchelors degree

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Table of content
Cover page

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